8 Signs You Need a New Roof

roof costs for replacing an entire roof

Getting a roof replacement may seem like quite a daunting task, but in reality it isn't. In this guide we will discuss some signs of excessive roof damage and wear that will allow you to know that you need a new roof before it is too late.

It is important to pay attention to these signs of needing a new roof, before something very damaging such as a leak during the winter or loose shingles during a storm happens. You may end up saving money in the long run just by getting a roof replacement at the right time.

1. Age of The Roof

Metal roofs need replacement too

Roofing shingles, especially asphalt shingles have a relatively accurate lifespan. If you are able to access prior home improvement records, check to see when your last roof was installed. Typically, standard asphalt shingles will last about 20-30 years. If it has been close to this time, then it would be smart to consider getting a free roof inspection.

Roofing inspections are very easy to get done and are nothing to stress about. This is a great idea as you can have a licensed roofing professional give you an opinion in order to eliminate the guess work involved.

2. Missing Shingles

basic asphalt shingles falling off

Missing shingles are a clear sign of needing a new roof or at least a roof inspection. Missing shingles can happen from weather and storm damage and this can lead to roof leaks very quickly. Once shingles or any roofing materials are missing on your roof the chances of a leak are extremely high and this should be taken care of immediately.

You may simply need some roof repairs or you may need an entire new roof, but either way if you have missing shingles you should schedule a free inspection today.

3. Missing or Damaged Flashing

roofing company that fixes flashing

Missing or damaged flashing that surrounds roof vents may lead to a roof leak. These should be inspected as they're an entry point for rain to enter your home and cause severe damage.

If your flashing has only some small damage it may be beneficial to upgrade to metal flashing as it is more durable and will last for a longer amount of time. This is something we can handle very quickly. If you purchase a new roof from us, this is something we can especially handle quickly and easily and is typically under roof warranty.

4. Excessive Roof Moss or Mold

roof replacement costs for moss overgrowth

The biggest issue with growth of moss or mold is moisture. Moss can trap moisture into portions of your roof which can cause rotting and leaks. This is another reason why annual roof maintenance in key in extending the life of your roof.

Luckily this service is something we proudly offer as a package with our roofing. We love to assist our customers throughout the entire process of a roofing project, with roof inspection, roof installation, roof maintenance and an amazing warranty.

5. Roof Rot or Sagging Roof

new roof cost for a sagging roof

A sagging roof is a very clear sign of needing a roof replacement. A sagging roof can occur from a couple of different things, typically this happens with older roofs that are beginning to rot. This roof rot can be very damaging to the life of the whole roof and should be taken care of as quickly as possible.

More recent roof sagging could occur is from a build up of water that weighs down the structure of the roof beneath. In the short term, this could lead to the integrity of your roof be compromised. In the long term this could lead to severe roof rot.

In some cases, especially if you have a large roof you could have a roofing contractor come by and patch the area that is rotting in order to extend the lifespan of your roof. This is simply a partial roof replacement. In many cases it would be best to have a roofing professional assess the roofing material all around that you have to give you can accurate idea of if it would be worth it to patch the area or simply replace the old roof.

6. Shingle Granules

In well-aged roofs you may begin to see lots of shingle granules being built up around the perimeter of the home as well as in the gutters. This is a sign of a roof reaching near the end of its lifetime and may indicate the need for a roof replacement and not just a roof repair.

Roof replacement cost can actually be quite affordable, especially with great financing like what we have available. Give us a quick call to schedule a free estimate.

7. Connect With Your Neighbors

Asking your neighbors when they got a new roof

If you neighbors are getting a new roof, it may be a good sign that you need a new one as well. Typically, homes are going to be built around the same time when they're located next to each other. Considering your neighbor didn't suffer for any extreme damage or incidents, there roof likely would last a similar amount of time as yours.

Consider scheduling a quick, free roof inspection. This will give you the peace of mind you need, while potentially 1-upping your neighbors with a beautiful and effective roof.

8. Cracking in Your Asphalt Shingle Roof

common roofing materials that are damaged

Cracking is caused by thermal expansion over time. When temperatures increase over the years, this can lead to cracking in your shingles. This may come with other issues as well such as missing shingles or excess shingle granules around your property.

If you're unsure that your having an issue like this, don't hesitate to call. We would love to give you the peace of mind in knowing what your home needs, in order to be safe for years to come.

Roof Replacement Cost

Navarro Company LLC Roofing Replacement

A new roof is quite the investment for the longevity and comfort of your home. Luckily, we have an in-depth roofing buyers guide to help you through this process. Additionally, give us a quick call and we can go over everything there is to know about roof replacement cost breakdowns as well as ensuring you get exactly what you need.

We can truly assist you through every part of the process to make it extremely easy. With over 30 years of experience and fantastic warranties, we have it all.


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